Seabourne Steps Volume 1

Steps Volume I - piano solo - 2001-2006

Trois Petits Adieux
Split The Lark..
The Little White Girl
Over The Ocean
Little Scene
The Sun - just touched the Morning!
In Winter
Suspended Journeys
El Suspiro del Moro


My Steps series has become my compositional travelling companion. It was jointly initiated by my dear friend Michael Bell, from whom I have learnt more about music than anyone else. Equally, the precocious playing of one of his pupils stirred my musical imagination after 12 years of silence, revealing it to be beautiful, and composition finally possible again for me.

Volume 1 is not intended in any way as a cycle but rather, in the manner of Grieg's Lyric Pieces, a collection from which performers may choose as they wish. It was not, indeed, written as a single entity, being the accumulation of several years' work. There is, intentionally, a wide range of technical difficulty, with some pieces being seriously challenging, others playable by younger or amateur musicians. Some were indeed intended for, and played by, its young dedicatee, and these have since been performed in Denmark by young students of my good friend Mario Ramón Garcia.

Minjeong Shin who played some of Steps Volume 1 in Minnesota, and then recorded the complete set for Sheva Contemporary

At the enthusiastic suggestion of the great Lydia Artymiw, three were played in Minnesota by Minjeong Shin for her DMA and she subsequently recorded the whole volume as a double CD for Sheva Contemporary label.

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