Giuseppe Modugno - dedicatee of Seabourne Steps Volume 4: Libro di Canti Italiano

Steps Volume 4 - Libro di Canti Italiano - piano solo - 2009-2011 - dur. 45mins

Canto della Vita
Viaggio di Notte
Piccolo Canto d'Amore Tremante
Canto I miei Sogni
Passi Sbagliati - Canzone Bacchica
Canto della Ragazza da Toulouse
Canto delle Farfalle
Carillon Triste
Canto d'Ammutinamento
Canto Burbero
Canto Lontano
Anche gli Uccelli - Souvenir de Bertinoro
Canto Oscuro
Canto delle Foglie Cadenti
Canzonetta in Stile Antico (omaggio da Robin Holloway)
Canto Gioioso

My friend Giuseppe Fausto Modugno was so kind is presenting my work at his festival in Modigliana in 2009. I decided, whilst in Italy, to write him a cycle. Originally I had intended to create (somewhat harshly, perhaps) a portrait of Bertinoro: a lovely village near Forlì, but which had given me no sleep or peace for two weeks with its incessant dog-barking and loud music of the very worst sort played into the small hours. Save for one little (retributional!) "souvenir", a different idea slowly formed. This was to create an "Italian songbook" (title after Hugo Wolf) with relatively short pieces in clearly drawn colours and characters. These had the facets of Giuseppe's playing in mind, perhaps also more widely "the Italian character". With the obvious similarity in name I included one little guest appearance by Amedeo Modigliani, a favourite artist. Over the next two years a substantial set developed (written concurrently with Steps Volume 3). Sadly, for personal reasons, Giuseppe has never been able to perform the work but has given his blessing to others to do so.

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