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CD recording by Fabio Menchetti on Sheva Contemporary label (provided on YouTube by Naxos USA) - SH104

1. Canto della Vita

6. Canto i miei sogni

played by Fabio Menchetti - 2014

Audio by Ermanno de Stefani of Sheva Collection
Video and production by Peter Seabourne

1. Canto della Vita - Fabio Menchetti

Domande - Sarah Vella

Viaggio di Notte - Alessandro Viale

Piccolo Canto d'Amore Tremante - Giulia Grassi

Piccolo Canto delle Gocce di Pioggia -
Isabella Gori

Canto I miei Sogni - Francesca Fierro

Passi Sbagliati - Canzone Bacchica -
Emanuele Stracchi

Canto della Ragazza da Toulouse - Paolo Rinaldi

Canto delle Farfalle - Chantal Balestri

Carillon Triste - Laetitia Amodo

Canto d'Ammutinamento - Francesca Lauri

Notturno - Barbara Panzarella

Canto Burbero - Simone Rugani

Canto Lontano - Daphne Delicata

Anche gli Uccelli - Souvenir de Bertinoro -
Julian Chan

Canto Oscuro - Andrea Emmanuele

Canto delle Foglie Cadenti - Alvaro Siculiana

Canzonetta in Stile Antico
(omaggio da Robin Holloway) - Giordano di Nisi

Canto Gioioso - Ettore Strangio

In May 2020 nineteen pianists, mostly Italian with some near-neighbour Maltese, gave an extraordinary "lockdown" team performance for Conservatoire Concerts in Godalming when social mixing was not allowed and all live playing had essentially ceased. They recorded simply with the means to hand, however modest - the very fact adding to the power of this performance by "musicians of tomorrow". A light of hope in the darkness...

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